Leadership Lessons from the Military
Harvard Business Review, Monday, November 01, 2010
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Harvard Business Review, Monday, November 01, 2010
Click here to read the full article
Military work-like business-is risky, pressured, and fast-changing. It calls for absolute clarity about the mission, extraordinary adaptability, and precise management of complex systems. This expanded HBR Spotlight Collection explores how to develop and use those capabilities both at a high level and on the ground.
The collection includes articles from HBR's November 2010 Spotlight, several web-exclusive pieces, and selected posts from's Frontline Leadership blog series. From the print magazine, you'll find "Extreme Negotiations," an extended version of "You Have to Lead from Everywhere," "Which of These People Is Your Future CEO?" and "Four Lessons in Adaptive Leadership." From "How the UK's Royal Marines Plan in the Face of Uncertainty," "‘Powering Down' Leadership in the U.S. Army," and "Positive Psychology as a Catalyst for Change."
"Most important things leaders do: 1) accomplish the mission 2) take care of their people"
Colonel James M. Johnson, Ph.D.,(USA, Retired, USMA 1969)
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