NEWS Center

Brigadier General (Ret.) Becky Halstead Publishes Inaugural Book on Guidance and Inspiration for Effective Leadership: “24/7: The First Person You Must Lead is YOU”
Monday, September 09, 2013
Inspiring audiences worldwide to first learn to lead themselves in order to lead others more effectively, Brigadier General (Ret.) Becky Halstead, the first female Commanding General in U.S. history to lead at the strategic level in combat and TLDG Board and faculty member, announces the publication of her inspirational book, 24/7: The First Person You Must Lead is YOU, (December 2013, ISBN-13: 978-1451592870). Read More +

Dan Rice, TLDG Co-Founder and USMA '88 graduate speaks on "West Point Leadership:Profiles on Courage"
Friday, August 16, 2013
West Point Leadership: Profiles of Courage showcases The Historic Thayer Hotel at West Point and the surrounding tourist sites in the Hudson Valley. This exiting new book includes photos of all the must see attractions at The United States Military Academy located at West Point, New York. Read More +

TLDG Celebrates its 3 Year Anniversary!
Monday, May 13, 2013
The Thayer Leader Development Group celebrated its third-year anniversary on May 11! The past 3 years have been an incredible time, which has included TLDG being recognized, twice, as one of the best leadership programs in the United States. TLDG has conducted over 200 programs for approximately 8,000 executives in many of the nation’s largest organizations including GE, P&G, Deloitte, EMCOR, USAA, 7-Eleven, Mercedes-Benz, Pfizer, and many more. Read More +

Thayer + YOU

To learn more about our programs contact us at 845.385.5300, ext. 1200

To Lead Is To Serve - A Practitioner's Handbook on Servant Leadership
By Len Marrella (USMA '57)

"Leadership is the fusion of heart and mind."
Brigadier General Rebecca Halstead,(USA, Retired, USMA 1981)
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