NEWS Center

In Chief Executive - Understanding the Challenges of a VUCA Environment
Wednesday, May 16, 2018
The idea of VUCA has since been embraced by leaders in all sectors of society, in particular the current business world, to describe the nature of the world in which we operate today. In February, TLDG partnered with Chief Executive magazine to publish a 6-part series about how CEOs and their companies understand the challenges of a Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, and Ambiguous (VUCA) environment and how they adapt and innovate to respond efficiently and effectively. The 6-part series is now available in one consolidated article.
Download the 6-part series here.
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Leadership Xcellence: The Heart of Leadership Is Not Business, It's Personal
Major General (Retired) Keith Thurgood, Ph.D.

"Most important things leaders do: 1) accomplish the mission 2) take care of their people"
Colonel James M. Johnson, Ph.D.,(USA, Retired, USMA 1969)
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