NEWS Center

In Chief Executive - Military Spouse Appreciation Day: The Best Kept Secret in Talent Management
Wednesday, May 16, 2018
At TLDG, we are very proud of all of our veterans, our military spouses and their families.  LTG Frank Kearney, his wife Betty Sue, and Jen Heckel collaborated on a piece touting the amazing and underutilized talents of military spouses. "Military spouses serve, too, and deserve not only our gratitude but our attention."

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If Not Now, When? Duty and Sacrifice in America’s Time of Need
By Colonel (Retired) Jack Jacobs

"Most people spend 90% of their time on tasks and 10% on leadership. Start spending 50% of your time on leadership and you will notice that others will pick up the slack on the tasks."
Colonel Sean Hannah, Ph.D.,(USA, Retired, University of Nebraska)
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