NEWS Center
TLDG to Stream 2016 Veteran's Support Symposium on Facebook LiveMonday, October 31, 2016
As part of their Veteran's Initiatives program, TLDG will host a Veteran's Support Symposium at the NASDAQ Marketsite at Times Square in New York City. The event will be streamed on Facebook Live on Veterans Day, 11/11/2016 from 9:30 am to 3:00 pm. The objective of the symposium is to learn and share best practices from CEOs, Chief Learning Officers, and U.S. Army (retired) General Officers about how organizations in America can better support veterans and their families. TLDG has identified 13 categories of support that companies can offer to veterans. TLDG is leading the Veteran's Initiative program to encourage all companies to adopt or enhance their Veteran's Initiatives utilizing these 13 categories and share them using #vetsdayceochallenge. The symposium will feature a keynote speech by Brigadier General (retired) Rebecca “Becky” Halstead and through panel and roundtable discussions demonstrate the value that veterans’ leadership skills can have on an organization. Follow us on Facebook , LinkedIn , and Twitter , to watch the event live and for up to date news about the Symposium. READ MORE+
The "X" Factor: Sustaining Personal and Organizational Xcellence
Major General (Retired) Keith Thurgood, Ph.D.
Major General (Retired) Keith Thurgood, Ph.D.
"Leadership is the fusion of heart and mind."
Brigadier General Rebecca Halstead,(USA, Retired, USMA 1981)
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