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Thayer Leader Development Group Launches TLDG Online to Expand Leadership Development Experience
Thursday, November 03, 2016

WEST POINT, NY, Nov. 1, 2016 (BUSINESS WIRE) – The Thayer Leader Development Group at West Point (TLDG) launched TLDG Online, a unique and engaging new learning experience that brings their executive leader development programs into the virtual space. TLDG Online includes multi-media learning tools allowing you to capture reflections, interact with small breakout groups, and connect through live webinars with your cohort and an experienced faculty team. 

TLDG Online exports the popular TLDG at West Point learning experience to entire organizations around the world, so your learning journey can be continued after an onsite program or extended to geographically diverse teams throughout your organization.  It enables participation from team members with varying degrees of work and travel demands through accessible content and flexible scheduling. Participants can interact with senior-level expert faculty and company sponsor in a collaborative environment that allows for dynamic, two-way dialogue with your cohort. Online content can also be accessed for up to 1-year afterward to refine personal leadership goals and continue engaging with your cohort.

"We are pleased to make available this new, interactive learning experience," stated TLDG Executive Director, Karen Kuhla. "Now, you can participate in the TLDG experience at West Point, at your location, and online, so the valuable learnings can easily be cascaded throughout your organization anywhere in the world."

The first course for TLDG Online, Leadership: The First Person You Must Lead is You, was developed by Brigadier General (Retired) Rebecca “Becky” Halstead. BG Halstead shares personal leadership lessons that served as the cornerstones of her extraordinarily successful military, and now, civilian, career.  As the first woman graduate of West Point to be promoted to General Officer, she has amassed more than 30 years of experience leading large organizations in dynamic and challenging environments. Based on her new book, 24/7: The First Person You Must Lead is You, this course teaches about leading yourself first by being the standard in order to more effectively lead others. 

“One of the things I really loved about the military is the people,” said BG Halstead.  “And I loved leading.  I want to share my experience, to help people understand that leadership is the fusion of the heart and mind, and help them discover that in themselves. After all, a better we starts with a better me.”

BG Halstead’s course is the first in a series of leadership courses planed for TLDG Online within the next year. Learn more at

For media relations, please contact Allison Capozza, Marketing Manager at 845-446-4731, extension 8924.  

About TLDG
TLDG is a premier executive leader development institute in the United States. Founded in 2010, TLDG has trained more than 25,000 executives and leaders from more than 500 companies. Its mission is to help build leaders of character by offering leadership and ethics education grounded in the U.S. Army leadership philosophy of “Be, Know, Do” and the U.S. Military Academy values of “Duty, Honor, Country”. Learn more at

Thayer + YOU

To learn more about our programs contact us at 845.385.5300, ext. 1200

Leadership: Taking the High Road
Brigadier General (Retired) Jack H. Grubbs, Ph.D.

"If you want people to perform as if you were around, everyone needs to understand the organizational values. Leaders need to regularly communicate and reward organizational values."
General Rick Hillier,(Canada, Retired, Memorial University of Newfoundland)
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