
(USMA 1967)
Former Chairman & CEO, USMA Association of Graduates
Throughout his adult life, commencing as a young Army officer, then as a successful business leader, Chairman of the West Point Fund Committee of the Association of Graduates, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Association of Graduates, USMA, and as a Civilian Aide to the Secretary of the Army, Tom Dyer has continuously and conspicuously demonstrated the principles of Duty, Honor, Country.
After graduating from West Point in June 1967 as a Cadet Captain, Tom Dyer was commissioned in the Field Artillery and completed the Field Artillery Officer Basic Course, Airborne School, and Ranger School (the honor graduate in his Ranger class). He then reported to the 2d Battalion, 14th Field Artillery, 4th Armored Division, where in 1969 he was Commanding Officer of B Battery, receiving the Army Commendation Medal. From 1969 to 1970, he served in the Republic of Vietnam on the MACV staff and as Aide-de-Camp to General Creighton Abrams, CINC of US Forces in Vietnam, receiving the Bronze Star Medal and Joint Services Commendation Medal. His final assignment before leaving active duty in 1971 was as Commanding Officer of the Detroit Induction Center, for which he received a second Joint Services Commendation Medal.
Following his active military service, he entered the world of business in the private sector. His move from the military to the civilian sector was an easy transition, since his leadership and managerial talents were quickly recognized. He was selected as a manager/leader by industry giant AT&T. He quickly rose through management ranks, serving at the end of his AT&T tenure as Division Manager for Northwestern Ohio, with responsibility for 1400 people and overall telephony.
He left AT&T in 1978 to become a partner in Techsonic Industries, a virtually unknown start up company specializing in marine electronics, serving initially as Vice President of Marketing and Sales and then as President and CEO from 1988 until the company was sold in 1993. Through his leadership and business acumen, the company enjoyed a high profit history and meteoric growth from annual gross revenues of less than $1 million to more than $100 million, while in the process becoming a major force in the fishing and boating market, with 97% name recognition. During this timeframe, he received several awards for most creative advertising and promotion of products in this niche industry, built a well-trained sales force to penetrate all channels of product distribution (domestic and international) and developed alliances with other companies worldwide to exploit the rapid distribution of early-stage technology at the consumer level. Additionally, he was the principal force behind the company becoming a "beta-site" for liquid crystal displays, "thin-film" technology, and environmentally equipped electronic platforms.
Building off the impressive array of personal and professional skills he had honed through both his military service and his private business career, Tom made a conscious decision: he would turn his attention, and his impressive talents, to the matter of giving back to West Point - the place he credits in major degree for the achievements of his life, and an institution he holds in consummate regard and reverence. Elected to the AOG Board of Trustees in 1990, Tom rapidly proved to be an invaluable leader for the AOG, with service on several key committees, including Nominating, Strategic Planning, Distinguished Graduate, West Point Fund and the Executive Committee. In 1996, as the AOG was preparing to launch the first ever major capital campaign on behalf of the Military Academy, the $150 million Bicentennial Campaign, he assumed the Chairmanship of the West Point Fund Committee, with responsibility for planning and executing the campaign. It was a daunting task, and the results of his efforts have become legendary.
Tom Dyer was the indispensable driving force behind the Bicentennial Campaign. He conceived, structured, guided and led the AOG development team that made the Bicentennial Campaign an unprecedented success: exceeding its $150 million goal by $75 million. Beyond that Bicentennial Campaign itself, he led in raising another $100 million for West Point, and contributed in a major way, as well, to gaining $300 million in additional funding for the Military Academy from the House Armed Services Committee. Without his unique, tireless and determined involvement, these monies would not have been raised; and without these monies, the Margin of Excellence transformation of West Point would not have been possible. As a result of the success of the Bicentennial Campaign and continued initiatives of Tom Dyer´s, the physical face of West Point has been significantly altered, with ten new, state of the art, world class athletic facilities, a new physical development center that is arguably the best in the Nation, and a new library worthy of a world class Top Tier university. The academic and cadet leadership development pillars were also greatly enhanced under his direction, with the dedication of the Simon Center for the Professional Military Ethic, numerous endowed academic chairs and other academic program enhancements, and the funding and growth of the Counter Terrorism Center.
Elected as Chairman and CEO of the Association of Graduates in 2002, Tom Dyer was directly involved in every aspect of the 43,000 person Association of Graduates. He was personally involved in critical constituency relationships and throughout his tenure maintained close personal and professional ties with all who have served as Superintendent, Commandant, Dean, and Director of Athletics, not to mention countless others. He was responsible for restructuring the Association´s business operations and the Development Office, and was the person most responsible for reconfiguring the governing board to maintain compliance with Sarbanes/Oxley and New York State Law regarding non-profit organizations. Tom became a Chairman Emeritus of the AOG on 1 January 2006. In recognition of his countless contributions to and tireless service of the United States Military Academy during his tenure as Chairman of the West Point Fund Committee, Vice Chairman and then Chairman of the Association of Graduates, he was awarded both the Secretary of the Army Public Service Award and the Secretary of the Army Outstanding Civilian Citizen Award.
In 2003 Tom was selected by the Secretary of the Army to be the Civilian Aide for the Secretary of the Army for South Florida. In this capacity he continues to provide truly outstanding support to the Assistant Secretary of the Army (Installations and Environment) to enhance the quality of life for our soldiers and their families at U.S. Central Command, U.S. Special Operations Command, the Florida Ranger Camp, U.S. Army Recruiting Command, and U.S. Army Cadet Command.
Bold, forthright and proud, Tom Dyer is the epitome of a professional. He has proven his professionalism repeatedly in the 39 years since his graduation. As a soldier, businessman and in various capacities with the Association of Graduates, he has made all graduates proud to call him a West Pointer. He has given of himself beyond the call of duty, but more importantly he has inspired many others to give of themselves. Always positive, but never afraid to deal with different points of view, he has truly distinguished himself in his selfless service to West Point and others.