How Will You Get After It In 2020?

By Brigadier General (Retired) Maureen LeBoeuf, Ed.D., Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Happy New Year and depending on how one counts it may be the start of a new decade. At the start of the year people tend to make resolutions. I am one of those people. It is an opportunity to glance back at the previous year and conduct a personal After Action Review (AAR). What did I want to happen? What actually happened? Once I have done a personal AAR I look forward to the next year and determine if there is anything I want to do differently.

A resolution for many is exercise. I ride a #Peloton (Sword6DPE) and each month various challenges are posted. The challenge for 2020 is to be active for 3K, 4K or 5K minutes during the year. At first glance that can look daunting, however if you break it down it’s not. If you accept the 3K challenge and break it down by 365 days it’s only 8 minutes, for 4K it’s 11 minutes and for 5K it’s only 13 minutes per day. 

No doubt a lot of you received an Apple watch or Fitbit during the holidays. It’s too easy to track your steps and physical activities on these devices. Additionally, you can follow family and friends, this can serve as a source of inspiration and motivation. 

On New Year’s Eve my husband and I attended a party and danced all night. I’m 66 and he is 68. We were out there busting a move with the millennials and every generation in between. I love to dance and being fit allows me to really enjoy dancing. Being fit will also allow me to get down on the floor and play with my grandchild. I become a grandmother for the first time in May! 

What is your inspiration for being fit in 2020? Set a goal and get after it!

Brigadier General Maureen LeBoeuf, Ed.D.

ExpertiseLeadership development, wellness, keynote speaker, executive coach ExperienceMaureen spent 28 years in the U.S. Army, where she held various staff and leadership positions, as well as flying UH-1 helicopters in the continental United States and Europe. Most noteworthy was her assignment as the Professor and Head of the Department of... Read More +

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"The first step in developing your leadership philosophy is to determine your values—it needs to be authentic and reflect who you really are."
Brigadier General Maureen LeBoeuf, Ed.D.
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"The first step in developing your leadership philosophy is to determine your values—it needs to be authentic and reflect who you really are."
How Will You Get After It In 2020?

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